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Daily Psalms February 8th

Writer: Awakening ArchiveAwakening Archive

February 8

READ Psalm 22:19–26.19 But you, LORD, be not far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me. 20 Deliver me from the sword, my precious life from the power of the dogs. 21 Rescue me from the mouth of the lions; save me from the horns of the wild oxen. 22 I will declare your name to my people; in the assembly I will praise you. 23 You who fear the LORD, praise him! All you descendants of Jacob, honor him! Revere him, all you descendants of Israel! 24 For he has not despised or scorned the suffering of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help. 25 From you comes the theme of my praise in the great assembly; before those who fear you I will fulfill my vows. 26 The poor will eat and be satisfied; those who seek the LORD will praise him—may your hearts live forever!

BLESSED TO BLESS. All becomes praise in verse 22. God has not despised the affliction of the suffering one—and in light of the cross this means that God accepts Jesus’s sacrifice (verses 22–24). The delivered servant now begins a new mission—telling the good news of God’s salvation to others. Christians know that this is the mission of the resurrected Christ (Matthew 28:28–30). But the principle applies to us. Abraham was saved and blessed by God, but only so he could be a blessing to the world (Genesis 12:1–3). God never calls us in to love and change us without then sending us out to reach and serve others. We are blessed to bless.

Lord God, you love all you have made and want all to turn to you and live. So show mercy to the many across the world who do not know you, removing any ignorance, hardness of heart, and disdain for your Gospel and so bring them home to yourself



Feb 09, 2021

Amen and praise GOD


Feb 09, 2021

Praise God!! Amen


Charlene Ray
Charlene Ray
Feb 09, 2021



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