• Defining memes. Memes are "units of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation," and
as ideas become means to attack ideologies. Meme-warfare enters into the hotly contested
battlefields inside the minds of our enemies and particularly inside the minds of the undecided.
• Formations charged with Information Operations (IO) Psychological Operations
(PsyOps), and Strategic Communications (SC) provide an existing construct for memes and the
study of memes, memetics, to grow and mature into an accepted doctrinal discipline.
• Epidemiology of insurgency ideology. Using the analogy that ideologies possess the
same theoretical characteristics as a disease (particularly as complex adaptive systems), then a
similar method and routine can/should be applied to combating them.
Memes can and should be used like medicine to inoculate the enemy and generate popular support.

Meme Science
Memetics Academic Library
Meme Magic
Meme Tools
How To Make Memes & Tools For Digital Warriors
Meme Camouflage
Images - Background Removed
Q Proofs
All Q Posts Regarding Memes
Q Quote Memes
Trump 2020
POTUS General
First Lady Melania Trump
2020 Elections
Trump 2020
Joe Biden General
I'm On Team Joe
Biden's Lies
Hunter Biden
Kamala Harris
Take the House
Jobs Not Mobs Collection
Amy Coney Barrett & SC Battle Ammo
Planned Parenthood
Ruth Bader Ginsberg
Antifa Antifa General Antifa History Antifa Logos Arson George Soros Funding China VIrus China Virus / COVID-19 - FISA - Spygate - Obamagate - DECLAS FISA & Spygate General Obamagate DECLAS Fake News Media Fake News - Mockingbird - Propaganda Side by Side Fake News Memes Mocking the Mockingbirds Freedom Of Speech Big Tech The Cabal The Rothschilds George Soros Cult & Symbolism The Muslim Brotherhood Obama General Obama History All Things Clinton Clinton Corruption Benghazi Twitter, IG etc - Strange & Incriminating Posts Nancy Pelosi Jeffery Epstein Catalog Of Perps John and Tony Podesta Patriots General Michael Flynn Admiral Mike Rogers AG Bill Barr Others Church and Jeebus Memes Rares and Sacred Amm0 Liberal Tears Space Force MP4's
I love this! Thank you!