"You, who have shown me great and severe troubles, shall revive me again, and bring me up again from the depths of the earth. You shall increase my greatness, and comfort me on every side"
Thank you Lord for every hard time You have ever allowed me to endure, for You have worked—or working—every one of them for my good. Thank You for sustaining me through every trial I have ever been through in my life. Thank you for bringing me to where I am today, and for being with me always. I trust you. I love you. My time is in Your hands. Thank You for bringing me out into a wide place, a good place.
Even though I have been in a trial recently, I know that You SHALL revive me again. "Come from the four winds, Holy Spirit, and breathe on me, that I may live." Father God fill me with Your fresh fire, and to let the rain of Your Spirit pour into my spirit, soul, and body right now. Roar over me right now. Lord fill me with Your courage and strength. Lord fill me with Your peace, joy, and POWER with Your roar. Lord wake me up and fill me with more life than I have ever received in my whole life before this moment. Bless me indeed; to enlarge my territory; that Your hand would be with me; that You would keep me from evil; and that I would not cause pain.
Lord, increase my greatness—for Your glory. Lord, increase my greatness—for your good pleasure. Father make all the changes in my life that are necessary in order for me to represent You, my royal Father, well on the earth and show the world who You really are.
Lord make me Your playground for pouring out all the good and perfect gifts that You have been yearning and craving to give me. Father use me as a tool in Your hand for the earth to be filled with the knowledge of Your glory as the waters cover the sea. I will give You all the glory! I promise You that I will not forget the Lord your God, who gives me power to get wealth, and so confirms Your covenant, which You swore.
Comfort me on every side. Heavenly Father, bring me comfort and encouragement in every situation in my life, every moment of every day. I thank You for increasing me, comforting me, and using my life as Your playground and sandbox for pouring out Your goodness on the earth! Thank You for blessing me and taking care of me so well, and give You glory, honor, and praise! In Jesus Christ Name. Amen.
