Did you really think we could vote the deep state out out of power and into jail?
Did you really think that the deep state controlled congress would debate itself out of power and into jail?
Did you really think VP Pence, who the deep state Republicans packaged up with the rest of Trump's first cabinet would object himself into a jail cell?
Did you really think that Dorsey, Zuckerberg et al would allow the truth to be broadcast today, ensuring themselves a loss of power replaced by a jail cell?
NOTHING you have seen so far was EVER going to be big enough to end the global elites 5 families, and the international communist cabal's 1000yr and 100yr plans
(respectively) to absorb the last free nation on the planet.
IT WILL BE BIBLICAL doesnt mean civilized, or peaceful, or even enjoyable. Its not going to happen in the span of a Sunday night netflix episode or fit into one
news cycle. The scope of the task is AT LEAST 10s of thousands of bad guys. it is GLOBAL, not reduced to 5 corrupted Secretaries of States, or even
300 stooges in congress
Stop thinking so small as a debate in Washington today is just one move on a global scale chess board. What ever the solution is, it aint coming out of the never-
ending-debate-graft-and-pay-off-exercise in our US Government
Keep in mind the scope and the size of the stakes of this game. We are talking about control of the entire planet and the literal future our entire species. This is FAR
bigger than our Civil War, our Revolutionary War. ... Bigger even than WWII. The deep state has nukes you know and you better believe that they will use them before
they let themselves get put in jail and/or have their fortunes seized.
There is a global military action pending that will be biblical. EVERY Trump E/O has supported that fact. The deep state has played a face card today, and made
America, and yeah, even most trump supporters think that they won the game..... but, have you noticed... Trump hasnt done ANYTHING big yet?
Do you really think that an insignificant billionaire with no real political connections just lucky danced into the office of POTUS 4 years ago. Hell no he didnt. He
was recruited and put their by US Military Intelligence when they hacked in and un-rigged all of the voting machines in 5 states (or more) in 2016 so that a fair vote
could put him over (study up on everything you can find about Flynn pre-arrest, Adm Rogers, & all things Wizards and Warlocks")
Do you really think the powers who got DJT elected just stopped playing their hands four years ago?
The stage is now set. The pieces are ALL pre-positioned. The deep state has played most of their cards. Its almost the turn of the White Hats.
Sleep in peace tonight. We cant do anything to affect the game at this point anyway

Thank you ❤️
Sleeping in Peace tonight. If God is for us, who can be against us!
I needed to read this!
Why is this always saying people commented on my post ?? I haven’t posted anything, only commented
Bless you Brother for all you do!